RJM Advisors LLC collects statistics from recent studies and reports on charitable giving in the U.S. Please refer to the footnotes for original sources.
- American individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations gave an estimated $471.44 billion to U.S. charities in 2020, placing it among the highest years ever for charitable giving.
- Total charitable giving rose 4.8% measured in current dollars (3.8% adjusted for inflation) over the total of $448.66 billion contributed in 2020.
- In inflation-adjusted dollars, total cumulative giving increased 6.7% over the period of 2018-2020 (up 2.8% in 2018-2019 and up 3.8% from 2019-2020).
- The solid growth of giving in 2020 means that the past three years (2018, 2019 and 2020) are the three highest years on record.
- The largest source of charitable giving came from individuals at $324.10 billion, or 69% of total giving. Giving by individuals was up by 2.2% in 2020 (an increase of 1.0%, adjusted for inflation).
- Giving by foundations skyrocketed and giving by bequests also showed growth. Giving by corporations, which is more closely tied to GDP, declined.
- In 2020, the majority of charitable dollars went to religion (28%), education (15%), human services (14%), grantmaking foundations (12%), and health (9%). The top funding areas stayed the same from 2019.
For over 60 years, Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy in America, has provided comprehensive charitable giving data that are relied on by donors, fundraisers, and nonprofit leaders. The research in the annual report estimates all giving to charitable organizations across the United States. Giving USA is a public outreach initiative of Giving USA Foundation and is researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Giving USA Foundation, established in 1985 by The Giving Institute, endeavors to advance philanthropy through research and education.
The full Giving USA 2021 report can be purchased by clicking here!